Ready To Do It! TV, originally and InternetshowsTV, was introduced to the entertainment industry at the 1997 Hollywood Film Festival. It received high praises from the Festival organizers and participants.

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Ready To Do It! TV

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Our current lineup of TV shows include...

TV show series about a different African city in each episode...

"African City View" Dakar, Senegal episode

Comedy painting art TV show series we produce for you in the city of Accra, Ghana...

"A Ghana Painting Comedy" on Ready To Do It! TV

Cooking TV show series we produce for you in the city of Nairobi, Kenya...

"Nina's Nairobi Kitchen" on Ready To Do It! TV

Painting art TV show series we produce for you in the city of Lagos, Nigeria...

"Elisha's Nigeria Art" on Ready To Do It! TV

Real estate TV show series we produce for you in the city of Lagos, Nigeria...

"Your Nigeria Home" on Ready To Do It! TV

Painting TV art show series we produce for you in the city of Nairobi, Kenya...

"Mukuhi's Kenya Canvas" on Ready To Do It! TV

Cooking show TV show we produce for you in the city of Aba, Nigeria...

"Let's Cook Nigerian Food!" on Ready To Do It! TV

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